Sunday, September 27, 2009

life has been great~ ^^

school's going to start again. recess week just passed so quickly! i don't think i've enjoyed enough, although it's really meant for us to catch up on our work -_-'''.
I think i played more than I've studied. But I prefer playing to studying leh (who doesn't) HAHA.

in one week, i've been to a dimsum buffet, sentosa, ktv, smith street, and...CRABS!!~~ woohoo! happy happy. hehe

one more day and it's back to 6 more weeks of slogging. then birthday and holiday! (I have been thinking about my 21st birthday celebration *i know it's waaaaayy too early. haha* , and am slightly upset that it's gonna be right smack in the exam period. tell me what i should do??!! T_T)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

work is starting to pile in.
3215 test tomorrow. and i'm so dead!!

im so thankful tmr's thursday already! means that my weekend is coming! but unfortunately.. sat+sunday burnt due to the charity concert T_T. looking forward to monday with LPY and <3>

on a side note... some good news recently. heh. am very happy for a certain person. ^^ jiayou and have fun! you wont regret it la =) i totally never regret making this decision too.

now im a celebrity! i have my own poster~~ ^^

Monday, September 07, 2009

it's now week 5 into Year 2 Sem 1.
OMG i don't feel like a Year 2 AT ALL! in about 8 more weeks and it'll be holidays again? woo! that's super fast. although it'll be only ONE month, i'll welcome it cos i know it'll be full of dates and outings~ <3

tests/projects/assignments coming up!


and i'm a happy princess

current HP wallpaper