Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Monday, July 13, 2009

I seem to have lost the ability to write long posts! LOL

back from CNM camp! it lasted from 8-10th July.
I'm back in C again, as the AOGL of CUTIE PIE~~ (though i miss the CARROT CAKE days)
had fun but was also a little disappointed but i shall not touch on that. haha =) woots suddenly singing is a whole lot of fun again.
it did made me ponder whether i was a good leader (or senior) or not, whether i could successfully lead a group of strangers and bond them together. somehow i guess i still need to brush up on my confidence level and somehow make myself speak louder and more attention seeking. hahaha. and im still quite bad at public speaking somehow. oh yes, and seeing the exco being so bonded and exciting and fun, made me wondered how come i did not want to run for exco in the first place. but ohwells it's all over and im still contented that i managed to help out at cnm camp 2009. =)

played in THE orchestra after a few months of rest. happy ^^ seemed to have lost the spark for it, but i guess that's just temporary. it'll come back soon. went to KFC for lunch, and ice cream chef with mk and yc later on. but i did the stupidest combination there ever-- vanilla+oreo -_-''' tasted just like mcflurry just that it was twice the price for 1/3 of the portion T_T. sadded.

anyway! our bbq for 2 today was awesome ^^ romantic and fun! <3 loves~~