Sunday, January 25, 2009

Friday, January 16, 2009

Sunday, January 11, 2009

NUSCO sectionals 2 days ago made me realise how much i miss playing the D.Bass.
i think it's been 2 months since i touched it. yup. it brings back good feelings. i thought i had lost them already. but i felt it again. ^_^
although i'm really not very good at it, but i enjoy playing it very much, despite hating this instrument initially. i've grown to love it. 7th year playing =)

(so cute right!)

NUSCO concert, Allure. 7th March, UCC.

Thursday, January 08, 2009

CORS bidding is driving us crazy. T_T

sci of music- outbid
understanding the universe-gg to be outbid (gave up)
introduction to computing-going to be outbid soon too! ahhh
nm 2208-666 points!!! (devil's number somemore. bad omen??)